Chú thích Amanita_strobiliformis

  1. 1 2 MclLVAINE, Charles; K. Macadam, Robert (1973). One Thousand American Fungi. Dover Publications, Inc. tr. 19.
  2. New York Botanical Garden, Mycological Society of America (1910). Mycologia, Volume 2. New York Botanical Garden. tr. 261.
  3. 1 2 Taylor, Thomas (1897). Student's hand-book of mushrooms of America edible and poisonous, Issues 1-5. A. R. Taylor. tr. 8.
  4. Chambers Coker, William (1917). The Amanitas of the Eastern United States. Elisha Mitchell Society. tr. 74.
  5. Michael Edward Peterson, Patricia A. Talcott (2006). “61”. Small animal toxicology (PDF). Missouri, United States: Elsevier Saunders. tr. 869. ISBN 978-0-7216-0639-2.
  6. Ammirati Joseph F., Traquair James A.; Paul A. Horgen (1985). “11 (Ibonetic acid-muscimol)”. Poisonous mushrooms of the northern United States and Canada (PDF). United States: University of Minnesota Press. tr. 168. ISBN 0-8166-1407-5. In Japan, Amanita strobiliformis (Paulet ex Vittad.) Bertillon is reported to contain ibotenic acid (Benedict 1972)
  7. “Joseph Berkeley, Miles (1860). Outlines of British fungology: containing characters of above a thousand species of Fungi, and a complete list of all that have been described as natives of the British Isles. L. Reeve. tr. 90”.
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